Search Product

Visitor searches for the desired product either by typing the product name in the search box or by following a hierarchy (Category - Sub-Category - Product)


Add Your Product to the Cart

After finding the product, visitor adds items into the cart. Visitor needs to verify mobile number through OTP to add item into cart.


Proceeds to Checkout

After the item is added into the cart, the checkout process begins.


Fills all the mandatory inputs

Visitor is required to put all the necessary fields to place an order. It includes the name, email, address fields, etc.


Makes the Payment

The total cart amount is reflected in front of the visitor. The visitor is then presented PAYtm Gateway with a number of payment options to choose from.


Order Placed

Once the payment is successfully made, a message displays that the order is successful, confirming the order. The details regarding the order are sent to the customer’s email address.